Pop Music Video Conventions Research

-      Artists usually clothed in fashionable, stylish, mainstream outfits 
-      Artists portrayed as happy and content with life
-      The lyrics are based around love and relationships 
-      Target teens so make the songs/music videos as ‘reliable’ as possible as they are the main target audience 
-      Song usually is 3-5 minutes with a consistent beat and structure
-      Pop songs are guaranteed to be heard everyday as are majorly played on radio stations e.g. Capital – large audience 
-      They follow a verse-chorus-verse structure and hook lines which are catchy therefore stays in the audience’s mind 
-      Dance orientated 
-      They stereotypically are associated with people in their teens as many people in their youth enjoy partying, clubbing, dancing, which is exactly what the purpose of pop music is for 
-      Artists are expressed in a very sexual and seductive way, trying to lure the audience in, current artists chose to dress in provocative ways portraying a sexual atmosphere 
-      Hair and makeup used to commutate the artists feelings, views, express a message and plays a major role in pop music
-      Pop music videos are all about the artist to sell the song to the audience 
-      Mise-en-scene = bright colours, makeup, fashion accessories 
-      Editing = tints and filters to boost colours, photo shopped artists so they look ‘perfect’ 
-      Camera = many close ups of artists faces, long shots of dancing/partying scenes 
-      Performance = main focus on artist
-      Narrative = mainly about performing in a certain way, some artists use a theme to help represent the song but there is usually no narrative
-   Typical pop genre narratives include parties, relationships/breakups
-   Pop usually follows current trends 


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