Prior Research Before Planning My Video

Before I could start planning my music video, i continuously went on YouTube to look for ideas & scenes that I could base the narrative side of my music video on. My main inspiration was the 'Ariana Grande - break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored' music video as its main location is a party setting of which I want to base my music video around and the idea of the music video is that Ariana wanted him to breakup with his girlfriend so she could be with him. Therefore, this music video is perfect to study due to the similar theme and aims displayed within my music video and this one. At the end of this music video. there is a plot twist, that Ariana didn't actually want the boyfriend, she wanted the girlfriend which challenges sexuality stereotypes as no one thought that would happen, which makes the video more interesting and not like a typical love/relationship music video. 

This music video also consists of incredible editing and camera work, with a huge variety of angles, shots and camera movements. It also adheres to the same target audience as mine therefore shows that this narrative style is appropriate for 16 year olds (teenagers). 

Also, as I am not a dance choreographer myself or have any experience within dancing, I had to try my best to come up/find a dance that was appropriate for my 5 friends who aren't professional dancers themselves to try and carry out. This was a challenge but I gained inspiration from this popular Ain't My Fault dance that was choreographed by Luna Hyun. However, I have altered the dance a lot to make it easier for the dancers to do.


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