SWOT Analysis

I would like to do a music video because I really enjoyed making my 1 minute clip of Thrift Shop a couple of months ago as I was able to gain knowledge on how to produce, direct and edit and I did it all independently. The whole process ensured me that I wanted to create more/another music video and gain more experience on how to improve my camera skills, editing, narrative ideas etc. I have gained a lot of knowledge throughout the past years about the music industry as I listen to music on a daily basis and watch new & old music videos often. Even though pop isn't my favourite genre of music, I still enjoy listening to it as its always on the radio station I listen to (Capital) therefore I think I would be able to make a high quality music video that matches the lyrics of the song and clearly establishes the message the song is trying to portray. Additionally, my friends would be willing to participate due to their extrovert personalities therefore they wouldn't mind challenging themselves to do things they have never done before e.g. dancing, acting etc. Also, I have access to high technological equipment (Canon 5DMKIII camera, iMac to edit on etc.) & also editing lessons to widen my skills. 


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